20 Minute Path to Peak Fitness

For some people, exercise is a daunting challenge.042-20 Minute Path to Peak Fitness_02_720x400
The good news is that if you use the Peak Fitness Method, exercise can be fun and efficient—you won’t need to take a lot of time out of your schedule to do it!
“Peak Fitness” was coined by Phil Campbell, a trainer to athletes for over 35 years. The Peak Fitness approach to exercising takes only twenty minutes a day, but your heart rate peaks eight times during that period of time so that you are working intensely for about four minutes out of those twenty minutes. The best thing about it is that twenty minutes of Peak Fitness exercising will do as much for you as about an hour of other aerobic style exercises!
Join Kira and Bill Van Ittersum as they discuss how Peak Fitness Exercising works and the many positive benefits that you might receive with this approach.


Does Phil Campbell’s Peak Fitness Increase HGH?

Ready, Set, Go! Synergy Fitness by Phil Campbell, ©October 15, 2003, Pristine Publishers, Inc.

Peak Fitness Boosts Your Human Growth Hormone by 771% in Just 20 Minutes (Dr. Mercola interview with Phil Campbell)

Effortless Healing: 9 Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, Shed Excess Weight, and Help Your Body Fix Itself by Dr. Joseph Mercola,
©February 24, 2015, Harmony Publishers

Primal Body, Primal Mind: Beyond the Paleo Diet to Total Fitness and Longer Life by Nora T. Gedgaudas, ©May 27, 2011, Healing Arts Press

Primal Blueprint 21 Day Total Body Transformation: A step-by-step gene reprogramming action plan by Mark Sisson, ©October 18, 2011, Primal Nutrition, Inc.

The Wonders of Massage

Hands-on massage feels marvelous, but it has many health benefits, too! More and more people—especially baby boomers—are recognizing the health benefits of massage.041-The Wonders of Massage_720x400
For non-medical massage sessions, you may want to learn a few techniques on your own and proceed toward enjoyment. Some massages are just pleasurable sessions between loving couples. These massages can be fun, relaxing, and intimate.
Join Kira and Bill Van Ittersum as they discuss the experience of massage and the positive benefits that come from different types of massage.

Massage Therapy styles and Health Benefits
By Web MD

 How Can Massage Help My Health and Wellbeing?
By Beth Burgan, MA, MFA

 How Can I Find the Right Massage Therapist?
By Beth Burgan, MA, MFA

 How Does Massage Work?
By Beth Burgan, MA, MFA

10 Steps for Stress Relief

Everybody has a different idea about what is stressful in life. A situation or an activity that may seem stressful to you might be enjoyable for someone else. So, what’s important for you is that whatever it is that gets you all tense and balled-up inside may be producing damaging stress for you. Here are some signs that you are experiencing too much stress in your life: constantly not sleeping well, frequent and/or prolonged headaches, being angry, often having unhappy thoughts, alcohol or drug abuse, feeling depressed, bouts of low energy.040-10 Steps for Stress Relief_720x400
When your brain is stressed, it signals your body to release a flood of stress hormones, the primary two being adrenaline and cortisol which prepare your body to take on the perceived danger. These stress hormones act on your body by speeding up your heart, making you breathe faster, and releasing glucose into your blood stream to give you a burst of energy. Your body is being prepared for the “fight-or-flight” response.
Join Kira and Bill Van Ittersum as they share the “10 Steps for Stress Relief” to help you retrain your brain to act with happy, co-operative, creative decisions instead of reacting with pre-learned, negative, stress-building responses.


10 Relaxation Techniques That Zap Stress Fast
by Jeannette Moninger

Fact Sheet on Stress
by National Institute of Mental Health

Stress Management – Topic Overview
by WebMD – Stress Management Health Center

The Rhythmic Breath (Savitri Pranayama)
by DoYogaWithMe [YouTube]

Top 10 Strategies to Help Prevent Breast Cancer

In the 1960’s, 1 in 20 women would be diagnosed with breast cancer. Back then, this was considered a very serious and threatening national medical situation. Unfortunately in 2015, fifty years later, close to 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer—a two-and-a-half times increase! What’s causing this catastrophic crisis? What can be done about it?039-Top 10 Strategies to Help Prevent Breast Cancer_720x400
One bright area of research is the study of how environmental factors may contribute to the occurrence of breast cancer. These findings have led to recommendations that are deemed helpful in both treating and preventing breast cancer.
Join Kira and Bill Van Ittersum as they share Dr. Mark Hyman’s Top 10 Strategies to Help Prevent Breast Cancer in their lively podcast.


10 Strategies to Prevent and Treat Breast Cancer
by Mark Hyman, MD

Chemicals in Food
by Breast Cancer Fund

Chemicals and Radiation Linked to Breast Cancer
by Breast Cancer Fund

Make Our Products Safe
by Breast Cancer Fund

Making Cosmetics Safe
by Breast Cancer Fund

Breast Cancer & Our Environment
by Breast Cancer Fund


Super Brain Food – Part 3

Part 3 is all about Super Brain Food Snacks—yummy treats that keep your energy up while keeping your weight down! After all, who doesn’t enjoy a good snack?038-Super Brain Food - Part 3_720x400
Now, by “Good Snack” Kira and Bill Van Ittersum mean snacks packed with brain-powering nutrition that helps our brains function at high-level efficiency from one meal to the next. Also, snacks that will not spike our blood sugar with unhealthy levels of glucose or artificial additives.
All this boils down to snacks that will satisfy our tastes and cravings without becoming extra weight we don’t need. Listen in to this great discussion on healthy snacks!

Super Brain Food – Part 2

What we eat has a lot to do with the health of our brains. A diet balanced in organic, whole vegetables, “good” fats, and protein will keep your brain in optimum running condition.  In fact, if you misguidedly tried to cut out all fats from your diet, and skimp on protein, your body would sicken and die!037-Super Brain Food - Part 2_720x400
In “Super Brain Food – Part 2, Kira and Bill Van Ittersum talk about 8 “good” fats in both whole vegetable and oil form. Listen in to see which ones you’re consuming daily!

“Brainchanger: The food, the facts, the science, to control your genetic destiny
by Dr. David Perlmutter, M.D.

Olive Oil: Brain Food
by Dr. David Perlmutter, M.D.

Would the Real Olive Oil Please Stand Up?
by Eileen

8 of the Best Healthy Oils and Their Benefits
by Hello Magazine

Borage Oil

Coconut Oil: Four Tablespoons of This “Brain Food” May Prevent Alzheimer’s (Telling the story of Dr. Mary Newport and her husband with Alzheimer’s disease.)
by Dr. Mercola

The True Potency of the Pumpkin Seed
by William Gamonski

Your Brain On Ketones: How a high-fat diet can help the brain work better
by Dr. Emily Deans, M.D.

Super Brain Food – Part 1

When you make eating healthy foods a daily habit, it not only nourishes your body but it increases the odds of enjoying a happy, healthy brain for the whole of your life. So much research has now concluded that eating healthy—fresh, organic, and whole fruits and vegetables, good fats, beans, and good grains—will indeed reduce your “biological” age as your body ages chronologically. Most children, teens, and young twenty-somethings are not too concerned with these findings, unless they have unusual and/or serious ailments.036-Super Brain Food - Part 1_720x400_03
However, once a person reaches thirty, the “uh oh” syndrome begins to arise. You can’t run as far—or as fast, you don’t sleep as well, you may have bouts of “fuzzy” thinking, and your weight begins to creep upward. This problem only increases in your forties and fifties.
By the time you’re sixty, you really take notice and try to reverse things to bring your body back to a new “healthy normal.” Why wait until you have dug a deep hole for your body to stand in? Why not give your body a lifelong gift and start feeding it right?
Listen in as Kira and Bill Van Ittersum discuss “Super Brain Food” over a series of podcasts.  Psst! It’s not only “Super” for your brain, but your whole body as well!

Dr. David Perlmutter, M.D.
“Brainchanger: The food, the facts, the science, to control your genetic destiny

Eat Smart for a Healthier Brain
by Carol Sorgen

Nine Ways to Make Yourself Smarter
by Dr. Mercola

Brain Health: Can These Tricks Make You Smarter?
by Dr. Mercola

Green Tea Linked to Decreased Risk for Dementia
by Dr. Mercola

9 Top Foods To Boost Your Brainpower
by Dr. Mercola

6 Reasons to Keep A Meal Planner

Keeping a meal planner simplifies the whole eating process and keeps eating healthy on track! We all want that, right? You won’t have to stop and think about what’s for dinner—especially when you’re tired and hungry and you’re resistance is waaaay down—because your food plan is all written out and you’ve already bought all the ingredients you will need tonight! “Thank you, Meal Planner!”035-6 Reasons to Keep A Meal Planner_720x400
Listen in as Kira and Bill Van Ittersum share their secrets to constructing and implementing a successful meal planner. You’ll not only get some handy tips and ideas, but you’ll have fun, too, listening to their lively banter.

Deep Breathing for Life

We all need to breathe to stay alive, but much of the time we just take our breath for granted. Breathing is an act of inspiration, which in its expanded definition means “a divine act to receive sacred revelation.”034-Deep Breathing for Life_720x400
In this podcast, Kira and Bill Van Ittersum share tips and ideas to recognize your breathing as a conscious “tool” for wellness and how you too can train your breath to stimulate divine awareness.

Deep Breathing
by Yoga Meditations, Audio CD

Science of Breath: A Practical Guide
by Swami Rama, Rudolph Ballentine, M.D., and Alan Hymes, M.D.

Science of Breath: A Complete Manual of The Oriental Breathing Philosophy
by Yogi Ramachraka

Breathe Right Now
by Laurence A. Smolley, M.D. and Debra Fulghum Bruce

Breathing: Expanding Your Power and Energy
by Michael Sky

Total Relaxation: Healing Practices for Body, Mind and Spirit
by John R. Harvey, Ph.D.

Breath Taking: Lessons in Breathing
by Lorin Roche, Ph.D.

5 Tips for Weight Loss

No weight loss strategy works if you find it unpleasant. If you don’t like doing it you won’t keep it up for long. Anything that you don’t follow through with doesn’t get done.033-Five Tips for Weight Loss_720x400
In this podcast, Kira and Bill Van Ittersum share five simple tips to permanent weight loss. They strive to make them fun and easy to do so you won’t give up before you reach your goal. Listen in and enjoy the results in your figure!

6 Easy Ways to Speed Up Weight Loss
by Melanie Haiken

5 Foods That Burn Away Fat
by Melanie Haiken

Healthy Gut – Healthy You!

In addition to breaking down all the food you eat, extracting the nutrients, and processing most of the remaining waste, your gut is also responsible for 60 to 70% of your entire immune system! Your gut is an amazing organ and most people treat theirs very shabby indeed.032-Healthy Gut - Healthy You_720x400
Spoiled food, over-processed food, too much sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, chemicals in the air and water—these are just some of the things that we often make the gut digest. It’s no wonder that your gut rebels with symptoms like stomach lining problems, intestinal allergies and spasms, cramping, diarrhea—all the way up to the big “C”, cancer.
In this podcast, Kira and Bill Van Ittersum share their findings on gut health; what you do that makes it sick and what you can do to make it well again.


Is Your Digestive System Making You Sick, and Fat?

by Mark Hyman, MD

10 Tips for Better Digestive Health
by Krisha McCoy, MS

Powerful Tips to Improve Your Digestive System’s Health: From a Conversation with Nancy Spahr, CBE & Colon Therapist
by Body Ecology

The Four R’s, How to Restore Optimal Gut Health
by Brad Sly

10 Ways to Cultivate Good Gut Bacteria and Reduce Depression
by Therese Borchard

Make Exercising Easy!

Physical movement is so important to your overall health. If it’s fun and easy, you’re more likely to do it!031-Make Exercising Easy_720x400
Moving your body oxygenates your cells, helps carry wastes from your body, and strengthens your muscles and bones. Physical movement also boosts your blood stream’s job to provide the nourishment that your cells need to thrive.
Kira and Bill Van Ittersum suggest that you move into exercise gradually in a fun and easy way. Do whatever movement you find enjoyable. As Dr. Oz says, “If you make it easy, you’re more likely to do it!”
It’s easy to find fun exercise videos that interest you. Many are available on YouTube or at your local library. And, it’s more fun if you find a buddy to do it with!

Billy Blanks Jr: Dance Party Boot Camp Cardio Workout—Full Fitness Routine

A Healthy Liver Is Vital for Life

Your liver is your body’s chemical plant. It processes and eliminates waste products and dead cells from your blood stream, it detoxifies poisons, heavy metals, and other pollutants, it metabolizes drugs (OTC, prescription, and recreational alike), it produces glycogen for brain and muscle energy, and it produces bile for aiding digestion.030-A Healthy Liver Is Vital for Life_720x400
A healthy liver is a blessing to your life. It helps give you strength, energy, and vitality. If you continuously abuse your liver with air pollution, water pollution, pesticides, poor eating habits, and even smoking/chewing tobacco, and consuming large quantities of alcohol, it will get sick and cause you no end of misery.
Your liver will become congested and your body will experience fatigue, poor digestion, lymph infections, intestinal inflammation, kidney and bladder problems, and skin irritations, to name just a few.
In this podcast, Kira and Bill Van Ittersum talk about liver health and suggest several foods and herbs that will treat your liver right!

Herbs for Improved Liver Function

by Jean Argus of Many Hands Organic Farm
Five Herbs Your Liver Will Love: detox, boost function, and more
by PF Louis of Natural News
The Top 9 Herbs for Liver Cleansing
by Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM of the Global Healing Center: Natural Health and Organic Living
Top 5 Herbs for Liver Health
by Ross
14 Foods That Cleanse the Liver
by Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM of the Global Healing Center: Natural Health and Organic Living

Sunscreen Pros and Cons

Some people are worried about some of the ingredients in commercial sunscreens. Some dermatologists are concerned with these chemicals in the sunscreens, but the majority of dermatologists think that the FDA approved ingredients are perfectly safe.029-Sunscreen Pros and Cons_720x400

Most professionals believe that the risks of going out into the sun’s harmful UV rays far outweighs the controversy surrounding sunscreen products.

In this podcast, Kira and Bill Van Ittersum cover fears of some of the chemicals in sunscreen, such as, retinyl palmitate and oxybenzone, as well as nanoparticles of ground zinc oxide and titanium dioxide used as mineral blocking agents in sunscreens. There is also a thorough discussion of the SPF ratings, how to properly apply sunscreen, and what dermatologists feel are the most important reasons to use sunscreens.

Retinyl Palmitate
by Paula’s Choice Skin Care

Sunscreen Safety: What to Know
by Sonya Collins
Reviewed by Laura J Martin, M.D.

Is Sunscreen Safe and Do I Need It Daily?

Sunscreens: Safe and Effective?
by Warwick L. Morison, MD, MB, and Steve Q. Wang, MD

Making Sense of Sunscreen Controversies
by Mary Walla, MD
Medscape Multispecialty
http://www.medscape.org/viewarticle/764184 transcript

UV Radiation and Your Skin

Ahhhh, summertime, and the livin’ is easy! Time to go down to the beach and catch some rays or work outside in the garden. However, if you are exposed to frequent and intense UV radiation, you are exposed to one of the major risk factors for melanoma.UV Radiation and Your Skin_720x400

Ultra Violet radiation from the sun can penetrate the upper layers of the skin and causes sunburn, and can cause changes in your DNA and can stimulate unchecked cell growth such as skin cancers and tumors.
Kira and Bill Van Ittersum discuss the dangers of unprotected exposure to UV radiation and introduce you to the EPA’s “SunWise” website where you can view the UV Index, a multi-colored map of the U.S. that shows the UV intensity by region and by day for solar noon..

EPA – SunWise
data by NOAA

Ultraviolet Radiation and the UV Index
Understanding Melanoma: Melanoma Risk Factors » Tanning and Burning
AIM at Melanoma Foundation

Relaxation Techniques

Ahhhh! Time to relax! Get a cold or hot drink, watch some TV or grab a mystery or a romance novel, kick your feet up. Who could ask for more, Right?027-Relaxation Techniques_720x400

Wrong! These activities, including the sugared and hi-carb drinks do little to reduce the damaging effects of stress. A new term has been coined by physiological and psychological researchers: “The Relaxation Response.” This means: learning to develop a state of deep calmness that is the polar opposite of the stress response.

Kira and Bill Van Ittersum discuss the benefits of relaxation techniques and give some tips about learning them safely and easily.

Relaxation Techniques: Try these steps to reduce stress by Mayo Clinic Staff

10 Relaxation Techniques That Zap Stress Fast by Jeannette Moninger

Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief: Finding the Relaxation Exercises That Work for You by Lawrence Robinson, Robert Segal, M.A., Jeanne Segal, Ph.D., and Melinda Smith, M.A.

Relaxation Techniques: Breath control helps quell errant stress response
by The Family Health Guide

Relaxation Techniques for Health: What You Need To Know
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Diabetes: What Can I Do About It?

When your pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin, or stops producing insulin at all, or your cells stop responding to the available insulin in your blood and can’t absorb glucose from your blood stream, you will have a condition called diabetes: too much glucose (sugar) in your blood stream.026-Diabetes-What Can I Do About It_04_720x400

One common symptom of diabetes is frequent urination which then triggers thirst and increased water/liquids consumption. Other symptoms are fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes blurred vision. Untreated, extremely elevated blood glucose levels can lead to coma and death.

Kira and Bill Van Ittersum discuss these problems of diabetes and give some practical advice about what you can do about this disease.

Diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) by Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD

Diabetes: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments


Cataract Surgery

More than 3 Million cataract surgeries are performed in the U.S. annually. This large number makes cataract surgery the most common surgery of its type in the country. It is elective surgery and the Boomer Generation is choosing to have it done more often and sooner in their lives than older generations did.025-Cataract Surgery_720x400

It starts with “blurriness;” you can’t read the fine print anymore—whether in a book or on the computer screen—without an aid such as a magnifying glass. Driving at night can also be a struggle. Lights of all kinds cause glare in your lenses that interrupt your vision and cause you to become hesitant behind the wheel.

Listen in as Kira and Bill Van Ittersum discuss Bill’s cataract surgeries. Each was quick, nearly painless, and the results were dramatic!

Thank You for Not Smoking!

Over 42 million Americans still smoke cigarettes. Add to this number the people who smoke cigars, pipes, or use chewing tobacco, snuff, and other tobacco products and you have 1 out of 6 Americans addicted to tobacco. There are over 480,000 tobacco-use related deaths each year in America and an additional 14,500,000 people are afflicted by a tobacco-use related disease.024-Thank You for Not Smoking_720x400
The direct cost to America’s health system is estimated at $133 billion dollars a year with additional indirect costs to the economy of $156 billion dollars from lost productivity and sick days due to smoking-related illness. Add to that number the direct out-of-pocket expense to America’s citizens of buying the tobacco products. The totals are staggering!

In her editorial article in the April-May issue of AARP Magazine, (p.77), Jeannine English, the current President of AARP, makes a bold statement: Thank You for Not Smoking! Kira and Bill Van Ittersum liked this approach so much that they decided to do a podcast on it. Listen as Bill and Kira share Jeannine’s tips and ideas and then more of their own on how you, too can kick the habit for good!

English, Jeannine, President of AARP. (2015, April-May). Editorial. Plain English: Thank You for Not Smoking. AARP Magazine. Page 77.

Late Evening Snacking Tips

Late in the evening, the “food siren” calls to you from the kitchen! “Come to meeee! Come to meeeeeee!” In this podcast, Kira and Bill share their tips that they use to “snack healthy,” yet satisfy their cravings.023-Late Evening Snacking Tips_720x400
Food manufacturers have been using “food science”
to hook western-world consumers with the triple-whammy combination of “sugar—salt—fat,” and they have been enormously successful in their endeavors. There are more people who are overweight today, as a percentage of society, than there ever were in the entire previous known written history of the world!
Kira and Bill share actual tips that they use to short-circuit the food providers. It’s not so much “will power”—this rarely wins against the “food siren”—but retraining the nerve signals between your taste buds and your brain’s satisfaction center. Your brain craves “satisfaction,” and these tips will help you to deliver!

Banana-Oatmeal-Raisin-Chocolate Drop Bars
3 very ripe, mashed bananas
1/3 cup apple sauce
2 cups oats (regular, organic, or gluten-free)
1/4 cup almond milk
1/2 cup raisins
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Mix well. Grease a 9 x 9 square baking pan with coconut oil. Spoon mixture out into pan (should cover pan to a depth of 1 inch, more or less.) Bake at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes. Cut into squares, remove bars, and let them cool on a sheet of wax paper. They’re delicious with a hot cup of raspberry-green tea!